The "Friends of the Children's Hospital Schömberg e.V." is the support association of the Children's Hospital Schömberg gGmbH. The association was founded in 2006 by parents, staff and local supporters.
It has set itself the task of supporting patients and their relatives and is committed to improving the general conditions in the everyday lives of children with disabilities and their relatives.
Individual children and parents in need receive targeted material or financial support. The work of the Children's Hospital Schömberg is supported by enabling extended offers and activities. These include the stadium visits of wheelchair users to the Karlsruher SC. The support association is involved in the traditional summer festival of the Children's Hospital Schömberg. It represents the Children's Hospital Schömberg externally at sporting events and creates links to other associations and initiatives.
This is how you can help:
- Become a member, as an individual, family or company. The membership fee is at least 25 euros per year.
- Donate to the Friends of the Children's Hospital Schömberg. As the "Friends of the Children's Hospital Schömberg" are recognised as a non-profit association, you can receive a donation receipt for your donation in kind or money.
- Work with us, contribute your ideas. Help organise events for the benefit of the clinic.
Friends of the Children's Hospital Schömberg e.V.
Jürgen Krauth-Kopp (1. Chairman)
Zollernstraße 90
75328 Schömberg
Phone 07084 920 087
Mobil 01520 9817431
Bank details:
Sparkasse Pforzheim-Calw
IBAN DE71 6665 0085 0007 4920 73