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Picture: Information counter in the entrance area of a ward at the Schömberg children's clinic.

Quality Management

    Quality and Risk Management

    The quality of health services is decisively determined by knowledge and skills. That is why we provide a high number of qualified staff. Areas close to the patients have priority in our personnel planning. Our equipment is based on current standards. We concentrate on the special requirements of our target groups.

    From the day of registration to discharge, the focus is on dialogue with our patients and their relatives. This customer orientation is the essential goal of our internal quality management.

    The legislator, institutions commissioned by it and many other organisations in the health care system define a wide range of quality requirements for a hospital, which we naturally meet.


    Qualification and equipment

    Our high proportion of specialist staff ensures a high quality of treatment and care. For example, our 62 planned beds are currently matched by around 100 full-time positions in direct patient contact, i.e. in the areas of medicine, therapy and nursing.

    Smooth admission, a hygienically impeccable environment, safe technology and above-average food supply are ensured by additional in-house and internally trained specialists in order to be able to meet the special requirements of our clientele. Other tasks that do not directly benefit our patients and their relatives have largely been outsourced to competent partners. If questions arise outside our specialist knowledge, we work together with selected external experts and institutions. All our equipment is suitable for children and people with disabilities. The medical-technical equipment goes beyond what is usual in hospitals in order to enable patients with far-reaching restrictions, such as ventilated patients, to participate in central aspects of life.


    Customer orientation

    Even before admission, we try to match our possibilities with your requirements in telephone contact.


    On the day of admission, we define our treatment goals and procedures together with you - in an interdisciplinary admission team. These are updated during the regular ward rounds and evaluated in the ward rounds of the head physician. From the very beginning, systematic discharge management ensures the transition to the post-discharge period. The concrete, individual life situation of the patient is decisive for us.

    Finally, we do not simply ask for your satisfaction by means of a grade, because we want to learn from your concrete criticism. For this reason, you will receive a detailed questionnaire on admission, you can contact our quality management directly during your stay or take part in one of the regular relatives' groups set up for this purpose. Of course, you can also send an anonymous message to QM at any time (via "praise and complaint boxes" on the wards or by e-mail).

    In short: we listen to you.

    Quality requirements

    Central quality requirements concern transparency, patient safety and regulated discharge management.

    We meet the requirements for "transparency" by annually preparing and publishing a "structured quality report", as well as fulfilling the federal requirements for "external inpatient quality assurance" and "quality assurance across facilities and sectors", as well as fulfilling the state requirements (Baden-Württemberg), e.g. participation in the "quality assurance procedure for multi-resistant pathogens". We increase "patient safety" e.g. through "structured hygiene management", with the involvement of external experts, as well as an open approach to (near) errors as a basis for participation in the "Hospital Critical Incident Reporting System". Continuous further education and training measures are central to this. Continuous further care even after discharge is ensured by our structured discharge management system



    Contact Quality and Clinical Risk Management:           Alicia La Verde 

    Phone: 07084 928 196
    Telefax: 07084 928 28 196


    Contact hygiene management:

    Contact Medical Devices Officer: