Our Clinic
The Children's Hospital Schömberg is a specialised neurological hospital run by a non-profit organisation and a subsidiary of Reha-Südwest für Behinderte gGmbH.
We treat babies, children, youths and young adults with congenital neurological diseases, with so-called cerebral palsies acquired around birth and patients who have suffered brain damage at a later stage, for example as a result of an accident, an infection or a tumour.
The children's clinic's self-image of offering diagnostics, therapy, counselling and rehabilitation from a single source is explained by the fact that the foundation of the clinic was made possible by the work of several parents' initiatives at a time when there were neither structures nor facilities for the care of these children.
Our work is characterised by the balanced cooperation of many professional groups. The medical team and the nursing staff on the wards work closely with physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, music therapy and psychology. The hospital school with the school kindergarten and social work are further fixed and important components of the team.
50 years of experience in dealing with our very special patients strengthen our conviction that in many cases we can only be successful with such a comprehensive, holistic and patient-centred approach. Individualised medicine is a key concept that we have been living for a long time. Listening and observing are prerequisites for sustainable improvements in the course of treatment. To this end, we rely on current therapy concepts, the latest ventilation technology, innovative treatment approaches and state-of-the-art assistive technology.
Lina Wahlen
Management office
Phone: 07084 928 391
Telefax: 07084 928 28 391
E-mail: gf-sekretariat@kiklisch.de
Marie Sieger
Management office
Phone: 07084 928 391
Telefax: 07084 928 28 391
E-mail: gf-sekretariat@kiklisch.de