For more than ten years, the Children's Hospital Schoemberg has offered inpatient treatment for international patients. For these patients, the focus is on (early) rehabilitation in cases of cerebral palsy, after severe craniocerebral trauma and other acquired damages or injuries of the brain and the central nervous system.
We are able to admit patients requiring ventilation if they are provided with their own home ventilation device. In addition, a stable respiratory situation is important, as the Children's Hospital Schömberg does not have an intensive care unit.
Our treatment team of doctors, therapists and nurses will use best-practice treatment standards to stabilise and improve your child's condition. However, as the brain has only limited possibilities for regeneration, there are limits to the outcome of treatment in many cases. Therefore, an important part of our treatment consists of providing the patients with supportive aids that bring about the sustainability of our treatment. Please note that these aids incur additional costs, some of which are considerable, especially if they are custom-made. Another important aspect of our treatment is training and guiding the relatives as co-therapists.
If you come from an EU country, we require meaningful medical documents on the basis of which we can certify the necessity of inpatient treatment in writing. With this letter, you can apply to your health or accident insurance company for the costs to be covered at our clinic.
As proof of approval from your insurance company, we require a fully completed S2 form, which in turn will be checked and approved by the local health insurance company on site if it has been completed correctly. Your child and possibly an accompanying person will then be admitted and treated in a two-patient room, just like German patients with health insurance.
If you come from another country, please also send us your medical records so that we can check whether your child can be treated in our neurological specialist hospital. If this is the case, we will send you an estimate of the treatment costs for 4 or 6 weeks.
Hospital treatment can only take place if you pay in advance as a self-payer or if an official guar-antee of cost coverage from the embassy or consulate of your country can be presented that matches our cost estimate.
You will then be admitted to a single room. The following list provides an overview of our services in these cases:
included services:
- the daily rate applicable to Germany for special facilities including nursing care
- the choice of the patient's room (single room)
- the admission of an accompanying person, full board included
- services otherwise charged through GOÄ
- daily physiotherapy sessions - and educational, psychological or further therapeutic coach-ing/training depending on the requirement of the medical case and the resources
not included services:
- Medical consultations in other medical specialties outside Kinderklinik Schömberg (for ex-ample radiological recordings, dental examinations, surgical procedures)
- Transportation costs within the scope of these medical consultations, for transfers to other clinics, to/from the Children's Hospital Schömberg before admission/after discharge
- the supply of 'Hilfsmittel = remedies' (these are often important for our patients). Advice, selection and adjustment are included in the daily costs - but not the production and the remedy itself. Associated invoices have to be paid in advance.
Single room accommodation
The Children`s Clinic Schoemberg provides another ward, which is exclusively equipped with eight spacious single rooms with upmarket furnishings and their own large wet room.
These single rooms are available in combination with other additional services as optional services and offer additional amenities.
Because we live "security first" the need for careful monitoring with the need for rapid medical-nursing intervention of your child may prevent the use of this special ward, e.g. if your child is on home ventilation. To be able to decide this in advance we perform a careful analysis of the pa-tient`s needs based on the available information.
Lina Wahlen
Management office
Phone: +49 7084 928 391
Telefax: +49 7084 928 28 391
Marie Sieger
Management office
Phone: +49 7084 928 391
Telefax: +49 7084 928 28 391