Dr. med. Tobias Renk
The medical director of the Children's Hospital Schömberg has been Dr. Tobias Renk, MD, since 2020. In this function, he is responsible for the medical, nursing and therapeutic quality in the clinic. Together with the respective managers from the above-mentioned areas, he ensures the high standards of treatment and constantly develops them further. In addition, he represents the management of the children's hospital on site.
Phone: 07084 928 391
Telefax: 07084 928 28 391
E-mail: tobias.renk@kiklisch.de
Adalbert Erben
The Children's Hospital Schömberg has been cooperating with the Klinikum Stuttgart since 2010. Adalbert Erben, Head of Service Centre and Central Services, advises on the economic, structural, organisational and service-related issues of the hospital within the framework of a management contract.
Phone: 0711 27832010
Telefax: 0711 27832061
E-mail: a.erben@klinikum-stuttgart.de
Heike Ackermann
Reha-Südwest für Behinderte gGmbH is the parent company of the Children's Hospital Schömberg. As Group Managing Director of Reha-Südwest, Heike Ackermann manages the business of the subsidiary Children's Hospital Schömberg by virtue of her office. Together with the parent company, she secures the liquidity of the Children's Hospital Schömberg and is responsible for the building property.
Phone: 0721 9814129
Telefax: 0721 9814119
E-mail: info@reha-suedwest.de
Lina Wahlen
Management office
Phone: 07084 928 391
Telefax: 07084 928 28 391
E-mail: gf-sekretariat@kiklisch.de
Marie Sieger
Management office
Phone: 07084 928 391
Telefax: 07084 928 28 391
E-mail: gf-sekretariat@kiklisch.de